Children’s Church 9/12/2021

Hi Kids!

Hey there, we are going to switch things up a bit this week. 

We are going to focus on prayer and we want to save some time for an activity. We are skipping the songs we usually do so we can get right to the lesson and activity.

There will be a link to play some fun background music while you are working on the prayer activity.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.– James 1:5

Before the Video!

Hey kids, you can make a great habit of prayer if you remember three simple letters.

Did you know that praying is how we talk to God? It’s true and that’s why it’s important to learn how to do it well! 

Think about that for a second. Some people might think the coolest person they could ever talk to is the President or a famous athlete. Even though that would be cool, having the ability to talk to the God of the universe is the coolest thing ever! So, let’s learn how to pray the right way. Let’s think of it with the letters P-A-L. Do you know what that spells? Pal!

Think of prayer like talking to your pal, God. P stands for praise. When you pray, start with thanking God for all that he’s done in your life. The A means ask. Spend time asking God for help. He wants to hear your prayer requests. The L is for listen. We should take time to listen to God. God always has an answer for us. It may not always be what we asked for, but he knows what’s best. Our job is to listen and obey. Another great way to hear from God is reading the Bible and doing what it says. Remember, the Bible is full of God’s truth that tells us how to live. So, remember how cool it is to pray to God and pray like a PAL!

Now for the Video…

Click the Arrow to Play, Click CC for Captions

Follow-up Comment and Questions:

Key Points

  • Praise: tell God what you’re thankful for in your life.
  • Ask: Bring your prayer requests with a humble heart.
  • Listen: Be quiet and let God speak to you through the Bible.
  • God loves it when you pray like PAL!

Memory Verse

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Never stop praying.

Talk About It

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
  2. How often do you talk to your friends and how do you communicate? (eg. phone, in person, through a video game)
  3. Why should we spend time thanking God? What are some things you’re thankful for in your life?
  4. What are some of your current prayer requests? How has God answered your prayers in the past?
  5. Read Psalm 32:8. Who will guide us through life? Why can we trust that God knows what’s best for us?
  6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

On to the Activity!

Below is an activity page that goes along with today’s lesson.

You might need some help to print this.

Thanks for spending time with us!

We hope to see you in church soon!

How about some fun background music?

All the Silly Songs

Click CC for Captions